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Freedom of Choice


℗ 1980

Devo • 1980 • Freedom of Choice

Having picked up a seemingly cheesy “flashback records” disc of Devo at Fred Meyer recently I’ve fallen in love with this Akron Ohio band all over again. Their huge hit “Whip It’ is really one of their most lackluster songs, but through really heavy rotation on the fledgling MTV and odd “quirky” visuals in said video this band garnered worldwide renown. This is the release that has “that Devo song” as well as 11 other tasty tidbits for all of you de-evolved people. Freedom of Choice and Gates of Steel really pack a one-two punch after the seminal and oh-so-Devo sounding “Girl U Want” start the disc. Take one part Kraftwerk, one part B-52’s, the style of the Talking Heads, and puree for about 20 years, the end product will be D-E-V-O.

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